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Why Your Practice's Marketing Sucks (And How to Fix It Fast)

Empty chairs in a waiting room

Marketing in healthcare and wellness isn’t just about looking good or being popular—it’s about keeping your practice growing. If you’re stuck in the same old routine, relying on tactics that no longer work, your business is probably suffering. The problem? Many practices don’t even realize their marketing is what’s holding them back.

Here’s why your marketing strategy is falling flat—and what you need to change if you want to grow fast.


You’re Relying on Outdated Tactics

Most healthcare practices are stuck in the past when it comes to marketing. Maybe it’s because “we’ve always done it this way,” or maybe it’s just a lack of time. Whatever the reason, the world has moved on—and your marketing needs to catch up.

  • Think about it: when was the last time you updated your website? How often do you refresh your social media strategy? Relying on the same old email campaigns or basic SEO isn’t going to get you the patient acquisition you need anymore. If you’re not keeping up with the trends, you’re losing ground to the practices that are.


You’re Not Showing Up Online

It’s 2024, and if your practice’s digital presence is weak, so are your chances of getting new clients. It’s not enough to just have a website or a social media account. You need to be active, and more importantly, strategic.

A website that looks like it hasn’t been touched since 2010 isn’t going to convert visitors into patients—it’s going to drive them away. If your social media posts are all generic stock photos or sales pitches, people are going to scroll right past them. Patients today are researching online before they ever book an appointment. If they can’t find clear, credible info about your practice—or if what they find looks outdated—you’ve lost them.

  • So, ask yourself: Are you making it easy for patients to find you online? Is your digital presence professional, informative, and up-to-date? Or are you leaving a bad first impression?


You’re Marketing to the Wrong Audience

Too many practices aim for everyone and end up reaching no one. The reality? Your marketing has to be laser-focused, not a blanket message.

If your messaging is generic, how are patients supposed to know that you’re the right practice for them? You wouldn’t recommend the same treatment to every patient—so why would you send the same marketing message to everyone? Your ideal patients have specific needs, and you need to speak directly to those.

  • Ask yourself: Who is your ideal patient? What are their needs, pain points, and motivations? If you can’t answer that, your marketing is missing the mark.


You’re Focused on Vanity Metrics

Likes and shares might feel good, but they don’t pay the bills. Too many practices focus on boosting their social media engagement, thinking more likes = more business. But those vanity metrics don’t mean a thing if they’re not turning into appointments.

  • Refocus on what really matters: How many leads are you generating? How many of those leads convert into actual patients? Forget the popularity contest—your marketing should be driving real, measurable results.


You’re Not Tracking What Matters

Here’s a hard truth: if you’re not tracking your marketing performance, you have no idea if what you’re doing is actually working. And if you are tracking, but you’re focused on the wrong data, you might be making decisions based on numbers that don’t mean anything.

Most healthcare practices either don’t track their marketing metrics at all, or they get hung up on data that isn’t tied to growth—like website traffic or social media followers. Those numbers look nice, but they don’t tell you how many patients are actually booking appointments.

  • What you should be tracking: conversion rates, patient retention, ROI on specific campaigns. These are the numbers that drive real growth. If you’re not tracking them, you’re shooting in the dark.


Ready to Fix Your Marketing?

If you’ve made it this far, you’re seeing how these mistakes are keeping your practice stuck. The good news? They’re fixable—and Brickma is here to help. We don’t just offer generic marketing solutions; we build custom strategies that drive real patient growth and stop the bleeding in your marketing plan. Let’s get you back on track. [Click here] to jumpstart your strategy and start filling those empty appointment slots.


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